

8 February 20222022 年 2 月 8 日
EPO President António Campinos yesterday met with Alexander Ramsay, Chair of the Unified Patent Court Preparatory Committee, the representatives of the participating member states in charge of the five work streams for the Preparatory Committee, as well as Jérôme Debrulle, the Chair of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council in charge of the Unitary Patent. The meeting enabled participants to update each other on progress in preparing the remaining tasks to be undertaken for the launch of the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court (UPC).欧洲专利局主席安东尼奥·坎皮诺斯昨天会见了统一专利法院筹备委员会主席亚历山大·拉姆齐、筹备委员会五个工作流程的成员国代表以及负责统一专利的行政委员会主席杰罗姆·德布鲁勒 。会议使得与会者能够互相沟通为启动统一专利和统一专利法院的剩余准备工作的进展情况。
President Campinos emphasised the importance of close co-operation between all partners in the final preparatory phase: "The start of the provisional application period last month gave the signal that the UPC/UPP package will soon become a reality," he said. "I am confident that thanks to the well-proven co-operation of our dedicated teams and the coordination of our joint efforts, we will be able to deliver the final tasks as planned and usher in the long-awaited Unitary Patent to the benefit of our users."坎皮诺斯主席强调了所有合作伙伴在最后准备阶段密切合作的重要性:"上个月临时申请期的开始发出了一个信号,即统一专利和统一专利法院的计划将很快成为现实。"我相信,由于我们敬业的团队间的充分合作以及我们的共同努力,我们将能够按计划完成最终任务,并迎来期待已久的统一专利,使我们的用户受益。"
Alexander Ramsay, Chair of the UPC Preparatory Committee, stated: "It is hugely encouraging to have come this far. We are now highly motivated to work, together with our partners, to conclude the preparations."统一专利法院筹备委员会主席亚历山大·拉姆齐表示:"进展能够走到这一步,非常鼓舞人心。我们现在非常积极地与我们的合作伙伴一起完成筹备工作。"
Jérôme Debrulle, Chair of the Select Committee, said: "This major long-awaited reform of the European patent system has never been so close. The EPO Select Committee in charge of the implementati.............



