Code of the District of Columbia
8–501. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
(1) The term "mattress" includes any quilt, comfort, pad,pillow, cushion, or bag stuffed with hair, down, feathers, wool, cotton, excelsior, jute, or any other soft material and designed for use for sleeping or reclining purposes.
(2) The term "person" means individual, partnership, corporation, or association.
(3) The term "Mayor" means the Mayor of the District of Columbia.
Code of the District of Columbia
8–502. Unlawful acts.
No person in the District of Columbia:
(1) Who is a manufacturer or renovator of, or dealer in, mattresses shall sell, exchange, give away, or offer or have in his possession for sale, exchange, or gift, any mattress which bears any false or misleading label, statement, design, or device, in respect of its material or processes of manufacture or renovation, or which is not labeledas provided in8-503
(2) Who is a renovator of mattresses shall use in whole or in part, in the renovation of any mattress, material which has formed part of any mattress theretofore used in or about any sanitarium or hospital, or used by any individual having an infectious or contagious disease;
(3) Who is a manufacturer of mattresses shall use in whole or in part any secondhand material in the manufacture of mattresses sold, exchanged, or given away, or to be offered for sale, exchange, or gift, as new mattresses;
(4) Shall knowingly sell, exchange, give away, or offer or have in his possession for sale, exchange, or gift:
(A) Any mattress which has been used, or is composed in whole or in part from material which has formed part of any mattress theretofore used in any sanitarium or hospital or by any individual having an infectious or contagious disease; or
(B) Any mattress which is composed in whole or in part of secondhand material which has not been thoroughly sterilized and disinfected by a process approved by the Director of the Department of Human Services of the District of Columbia;
(5) Who is a manufacturer or renovator of, or a dealer in, mattresses, shall remove, conceal, or deface, or cause or permit to be removed, concealed, or defaced, any label placed, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, upon any mattress.
Code of the District of Columbia
8–503. Label requirements.
The label required by§8-502shall consist of a tag which shall be sewed or otherwise securely attached to the mattress. In case the mattress has not been renovated the label shall contain in plain, legible print in the English language a statement showing: (1) the name and address of the manufacturer; (2) a description of the materials used in the manufacture of such mattress; and (3) whether such materials are in whole or in part secondhand. In case the mattress has been renovated the label shall contain in such print the word "Renovated" and a statement of: (1) the name and address of the renovator; and (2) a description of the materials used in the renovated mattress. For the purposes of this chapter the materials so used shall be described in such manner as the Council of the District of Columbia shall by regulation prescribe.
Code of the District of Columbia
8–504. Guaranty of manufacturer as defense; prosecution of manufacturer outside District.
No dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions of this chapter when he can establish a guaranty signed by the manufacturer residing in the United States from whom he purchases mattresses to the effect that the statements contained on the labels attached to such mattresses are true. Such guaranty, to afford protection, shall contain the name and address of the manufacturer making the sale of such mattresses to the dealer, and in such .............
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